Who Am I Think Again Patel Ted




Slow And Serious

I think my kid would have done better if I had named him something cool like "Kash". Forgive me son I didn't know Reginald was a butler's name.


Can New Yorkers even read? Who knew!

New Hill Mama

Love. You. Kash.


This is how you win….love it!!!!


Stonewall Jackson

WOW!!! Kash is awesome! thank you sir!


Let me know when they arrest Hillary………….

Clem Fandango

We need more conservatives like this.

Edge of Wetness

When Slickster was president, Carol Browner and Lisa Jackson ran the EPA. They created the current diesel emission stricture we are forced to endure under the auspices of junk science to intentionally add unnecessary and expensive systems to every new vehicle. The Landmark Legal Foundation litigated these Marxists and when the required documentation was requested, Browner and Jackson had illegally deleted all electronic records and shredded all paperwork and Jackson returned to the EPA in 2009. Neither were prosecuted for the supposedly illegal destruction of government records.


When the house tells the FBI or any other government agency to give them documents and they are slow walk that person should be immediately arrested and held in contempt of congress until they comply. The next person on the ladder the same thing if they don't comply. Rinse and repeat.


Better yet, give them a firing squad for treason. Treating government employees with any respect is why half of us now live in a third world shithole.


I like your remedy @tedkennedy….that is one sure fire way of putting an end to it.


Yeah…Ted Kennedy the killer ,rapist , pervert


I love Kash. He is brilliant, entertaining, and witty. He is great when he's on Gutfeld.


What a pleasure to listen to such decent and honest human beings from a government so filthy and corrupt.

Pamela Johnson

Mrs. Common Sense

Kash and Devin you guys are to be commended…and hopefully Durham will get them!


Awesome gentlemen! Prosecute, convict, then to the gallows with the traitors.

Ethyl Mercaptain

Now, Fox News needs to tell us about 2000 Mules.


Aint gonna happen! Fox news is run by progressives. Paul Ryan is on the board….nuff said!


Paul Ryan that guy with the smirk?
thought he died….

Dog Catcher of Realville

Let's say it again. We'll believe with actions not words, billboards, marketing distraction campaigns. I like Kash as much as the next person but after 40+ years of listening to fluff from the so called "right" you sour on words without actions. Without high level individuals taken to prison this was all another waste of time and money.

Sceptic Tank

Sooo… what happens if we elect good sheriffs? Were Biden or some other criminal to wander into… say… yavapai county. Could the sheriff arrest him and his SS guards?

Bobby g

Unfortunately Biden and his SS are federal, they can arrest the sheriffs if they tried. It will take a judge to order the arrest.

Sceptic Tank

This is insane. They're all criminals. Shame on the SS. SHAME.




Hahaha. Way to go, Kash Patel!


I love Kash Patel.


Hillary donors in the jury pool. That is ok by Durham. Judge is married to Lisa Page's attorney. The judge offered to recuse. Durham says no, it's all good. Why bother having this show trial?

JohnnyFever LIVES

Durham is gonna lay an egg, that's the only reason the deep state hasn't Arkancided him.

Tipi Rick

He's going to rope that judge in. Just wait a little longer.


"You can't tell them, you have to show them."






whose's shoving what down where

comment image

Tim Allen

Good on him but I feel like he stole this idea from Tim Pool


Lisa Page has an attorney who is married to the judge we are lead to believe… so there is that

Bill Thomson


Washington DC jury will be as useful as the Los Angeles jury in the OJ case, sadly.


Nothing will happen kash. This is all designed to fail.


Guatanteed nothing will happen if we give up.


Trump/DeSantis 2024

Desantis/ Patel 2028


He's not a natural born citizen. But not that it matters any more …

Old Navy Nuke

Kenyan in Chief set a precedence.
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Nothing will happen as always


Your comment is so concise, powerful and inspiring.

Finally, someone who understands that maintaining hope and continuing to fight is the foundation of American patriotic resistance. It's so refreshing to have someone who isn't a controlled opposition Eeyore/concern troll speaking up against the pessimism into which the enemy wants us to drown. Thank you for your wisdom, fidelity, and, dare I say, leadership. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!


Every generation since the Republic's founding has had eloquent spokesmen for liberty, private property, and rule of law. Every generation since the Republic's founding has ignored this advice and turned into greater and greater Free Shit lovers. Welcome to third world shit hole America.


The DeepState has been building itself for 100 plus years!
Do you really think they would go away easily?
Most EVERYTHING we've been told is bullshit!
Let's have a little faith that maybe, just maybe the American people and Donald Trump win!! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ


Trump won last time in 2022 and 2020. He didn't accomplish much either time. Trump is all talk and little action. How many trillion dollar budget busting bills did Trump sign. How much has Mexico contributed to building the wall? How many troops did Trump bring home? Why is Hillary still waddling free?


Tween silly + Tween smug == believess his fantasies are facts. The world is so super duper simple during the tween phase. As Socrates observed, the more you know, the more you realize how little you know..

Fyi, Trump vetoed a spending bill. The House and Senate over road his veto.


Why hasn't judge on Sussman case recused himself?
Why did that judge allow Clinton and AOC supporters on the jury?
Why hasn't Durham asked Judge to recuse himself?
How did Clineman get off with a slap on the wrist when he intentionally doctored evidence?
Why isn't Obama in prison?

Force Recon

Due tell? Why? You seem to be a lot more up to speed than Kash.


This is how the game is played. Rules for thee not for me

Weighting For Justice

I tried to up vote 20 times, but it won't let me ๐Ÿ™

Spouse of cow

20 upvotes for AmericaAmazing. ๐Ÿ‘


The appearance of a conflict of interest doesn't result in judges being forced to recuse. It takes a specific instance during court proceedings which a judge faces an issue calling his partiality into question.

Tipi Rick

Which means Durham is roping the judge into it! This is going to be the coup de grรขce. Bam!


DurhamWatch.com DurhamWatch.com DurhamWatch.com DurhamWatch.com

Swarn Singh

Unfortunately, Durham will end up being a giant nothing burger.

Nicky Thompson iii




So. The CFP comment section is famous for these assertions :
1. "Durham doesn't exist, produce him"
2. "Durham isn't doing anything."
3. "No one is in prison yet, so nothing is happening."
and the ever popular
4. "There is no hope, we are screwed, I'm just giving up".
Anyone spouting the above garbage does not belong in a (foxhole/huddle/life raft) with real patriots.

So if those are your statements, respectfully, screw you.


Yes, but "screw you" does not educate the Chicken Littles. I'd prefer to point out Durham is doing real damage to the Swamp. They don't care whether their members are murdered, let alone jailed. All they care is about power and deniability. They don't want the light of day to shine on their crimes, and it's blazing away whether Durham gets a conviction or not.

Force Recon

Brother I can clap loud enough for this post. These people are either trolls, bots, or losers!!!

But here is the thing, no one except God can stop what is coming!!!!!!!!!! This is just the beginning of justice coming down these traitorous askholes throats!!!

Trump 2023 and 2024!!!!!


Thanks for the course correction, Apollo. Good reminders. I too can sometimes fall for the laziness of pessimism. Your comment is like a refreshing face slap.



I still wouldn't put money on anything happening to these people.


Ain't nothing going to happen here except a big pay day for Durham


Another Nostradamudoomer. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


alphabet soup gov agencies Kash investigations probably ramping up sharply


Good try, but prison is all that matters

Proud Pureblood

No. Hanging is all that matters!


Is this the same trial that the prosecutor is married to the judge??


The Judge is married to an attorney who has represented Lisa Page. Its a small world. Everyone's connected. Connections arent a deal breaker. Everyone knows. Trump blasted it out on Truth. Now the judge knows the worlds eyes are on HIM; watching for any hint of bias.

Kash's Times Square troll telling people how to watch the trial, in the Heart of the Globalist' Media Empire, reminds them that The Light has been turned on People tend to behave when they know they're being watched.

Trump and Kash displayed great lawfare and media savvy.teamwork.


New Yorkers don't lookup…the crooks will think they are tourists and therefore easy marks…. Waste of time & money

Tom F

2 democrats who donated to Clinton and AOC are on the jury!!! Did I say "hung jury"? Yes, I did!

Taco Truck

When my president said "the system is rigged", I knew what he meant.



they are not liberals they are leftists…

By definition I'm going to guess that most of us on here are classic liberals…

Thanks for all your do!!!

The Honorable Sir Carter, The Great
(demand using proper adjectives now ๐Ÿ˜‰)


Source: https://citizenfreepress.com/column-3/kash-patel-is-trolling-the-libs-in-times-square/

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